Thursday, November 16, 2006


You probably know this already, but we have another NASA press conference coming up, so I'd better let you all know...

Friday Nov 17 at 7am NZ time

The mysterious header says:
NASA will host a media teleconference with Hubble Space Telescope astronomers at 1 p.m. EST Thursday, Nov. 16, to announce the discovery that dark energy has been an ever-present constituent of space for most of the universe's history.

George Jones at PF points out that this could mean no Dark Energy. However, it appears more likely that the respectable scientists will simply rule out weird and uninteresting quintessence alternatives, without considering better possibilities. We'll just have to wait and see. For me, that's a fresh 5am start.


  1. HI Kea: I couldn't get the audio, but their press release is hilarious! Fireflies? Ha ha! We will win!

  2. Hi Louise

    Carroll completely avoided talking about people that 'think we don't understand gravity'. Unbelievable.

  3. I made the comment about fireflies on Communist Variance and they deleted it. We may both be in their "delete" list. Even without that, the "big announcement" was a lot of nothing.

  4. Yeah, and I got up before 5am for it. Anyway, the data will have to kill their stupid ideas off sooner or later.

  5. When they delete your useful comments, just smile, and go back to working out new results and writing up your old ones. Have faith. The people who want to know will read your work.


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