Sunday, November 12, 2006

Changing Times

There are two words in ancient Greek for time. One is kairos, a personal time, an opportune moment. The other is chronos, the time of clocks and the outer world. We are all familiar with the feeling of shifting time, when we focus on an interesting problem. In GR time also shifts, but with the gravitational field. Dirac thought about two kinds of time, an atomic and a celestial. The philosopher Hegel developed a theory of the world in which the world's consciousness develops through the history of ideas, which defines a timeline for the world.

Be not afraid when new hope is put before you. Check out this really cool new book


  1. This one's for you, Mahndisa.

  2. I'll try and pick up the book. By the way, part of the reason I don't have a PhD is because it was clear that the only way to get one was to do someone else's work for them.

    Meanwhile, progress. I've got just one section left in the chapter titled "Measurement", maybe done tonight. After that, the next chapter deals with the elmentary fermions, titled "The Zoo".

  3. Dear Kea,

    ancient Greeks with their Kairos-Chronos distinction demonstrate much more precise conceptualization than physicists of this century most of whom refuse to see that this difference could tell us much more than LHC experiments. This is of course only one example of Do Not Worry About That attitude which has prevailed in particle physics theory circles during last 3 decades and which I as a hunter of the most significant bits find very difficult to understand.

    Good to hear that this book has raised interest. The book demonstrates that there are interesting new ideas consciousness and physics bubbling below the surface.

    I scanned your earlier postings. I am happy to find that there exist young bloggers who dare to speak about real problems and consider alternative ideas. I have felt myself rather alone and in a middle of professional silence also in the blogosphere. The open censorship and crackpot labelling is the most disgusting aspect of this professional arrogance which has poisoned the community.

    I found that also you had discovered Scott Aaronson's blog. I found his course Quantum Computing Since Democritus just yesterday and recommend it warmly to physicists as a kind of quantum continuation to Goedel, Escher, Bach. It is wonderful to find a blog with no name calling, no crackpot labelling, no voice of authority: instead of all this very refined mathematical thinking expressed using ordinary language combined with surreal humour. I would be happy to find more often something like this in physics blogs.

    Best Wishes,

    Matti Pitkanen

  4. Hi Carl, Hi Matti

    I'm looking forward to your book, Carl. Sorry that I'm not allowing myself time to read it all at present. Matti, personally I'm not that young - 39 to be exact - and I have worried about physics for a long, long time.


  5. 11 12 06

    Thanks mydear. Thanks a bunch. When I can afford to purchase this book, I shall. I honestly feel that we are on a brink of something really great, that is if we can open up our minds and get rid of the rigidity of orthodoxies. That is all I will say for now. You are a doll:)

  6. Actually, Mahndisa, I haven't seen the book, so I don't know if it's any good.


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