Arcadian Functor

occasional meanderings in physics' brave new world

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Location: New Zealand

Marni D. Sheppeard

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Solar Superorbits

At last, a new paper by A. L. Kholodenko on the Quantum Signatures of Solar System Dynamics. From the abstract:

"In this work new uses of Heisenberg's ideas are found. When superimposed with the equivalence principle of general relativity, they lead to quantum mechanical treatment of observed resonances in the Solar system. To test correctness of our theoretical predictions the number of allowed stable orbits for planets and for equatorial stable orbits of satellites of heavy planets is calculated resulting in surprisingly good agreement with observational data."

The first part of the paper is an excellent outline of the modern form of Heisenberg's honeycomb quantum mechanics along with an historical account of its motivation. Happy reading.

Update: Matti Pitkanen has some comments about the paper.


Blogger Matti Pitkänen said...

I already commented the paper and gave a link to my blog. Instead I want to mention Allais effect as an application of quantum rules to astrophysics, now at the level of dynamics. See the discussion at my blog.

Allais observed that the oscillation plane of the paraconical pendulum in general rotates rather than retaining its direction and approaches a limiting plane. During solar eclipses the effect is especially large and limiting plane contains the line connecting Earth, Moon and Sun.

The explanation is in terms of an external constant force varying slowly with time and causing a torque, which vanishes for the limiting plane (dissipation takes the system to this final state). The explanation for the spectacular effects during eclipse is based on the screening of solar gravitational force by Moon. The gravitational momentum flux (the notion makes sense only in TGD framework) is partially absorbed by Moon and not received by Earth. Feynman diagram picture in astrophysical scales justifies the notion of absorption: Allais would have thus observed astroquantal dynamical effect in astrophysical scale.

The predicted change of the oscillation frequency of pendulum is delta f/f <=v^2/rg= 6*10^(-4), the acceleration caused by Sun at Earth's surface using g as unit. Maximum value is achieved when the Earth-Moon-Sun line is in the vertical direction. The observed change is delta f/f =5*10^(-4)=2^(-11)=v_0, which happens to be the fundamental parameter appearing in gravitational Planck constant and is near to proton/electron mass ratio. The powers of v_0 are also in a crucial role in TGD based quantum model of EEG! The situation looks thus very encouraging although details have to be checked.

The theory predicts interesting modifications to the theory of tidal forces: one expects that tidal effects caused by both Moon and Sun are reduced at "night-side" by the screening. Daily periodic variation of atmospheric and water pressures with same amplitude as for frequency is predicted. New experimental tests are proposed.

July 31, 2007 6:10 PM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

Neat! May lead to explanation of Bode's Law for planetary orbits. Somwhat like kepler trying to explain orbits with the regular solids, but even more promising. Like atomic orbits, there may be some mathematical relationship explaining the solar system.

August 01, 2007 5:45 AM  

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