A Preprint
I think I'll leave it to Carl Brannen to put our four page preprint on mixing matrices on his website. We eagerly await referee reports.
occasional meanderings in physics' brave new world
Okay, and here it is, "The discrete Fourier transform and the particle mixing matrices", Carl Brannen and Marni Sheppeard, submitted PRD.
Good luck!
Nige, It's got past the editors, that is, someone read it and decided the topic was suitable for PRD. So it's now been sent out for peer review.
And if anyone wants to see it on arXiv who happens to have hep-ph endorsement capability, contact one of us, perhaps here I suppose.
P.S. We'd already be world famous except we had the bad luck to release the paper on the same day that Michael Jackson died. :(
Wish me luck on arXiv, I've got permission to upload the gravity paper.
If someone has references that are appropriate (i.e. don't get me moderated back into amateur land), please post a comment over on my blog.
The gravity essay was limited to 1500 words so I cut the bibliography very very short.
Dear Dr. Sheppeard
I am writing in reference to your manuscript ``Discrete Fourier
transform and the particle mixing matrices'' (DF10726).
Physical Review D covers current research in elementary particle
physics, gravitation, and those aspects of astrophysics that are
related to the physics of particles and fields. To be publishable
here, a manuscript should present significant results in one or more
of these fields, be of high quality and scientific interest, and make
an important contribution to the literature.
After reading your manuscript, I find that it does not satisfy these
criteria. I regret to inform you that we therefore cannot accept it
for publication.
Carl, should we try another journal?
Marni, of course!
I suggest Foundations of Physics or EPJ C as they are a set of "cooperating journals" that move papers around between them.
I also like J. Math Phys, which has content more compatible with what we've got, for example see Unbiased Bases (Hadamards) for six-level systems: Four ways from Fourier.
"... Feynman's ... first paper on the new method was rejected by Physical Review, the premier American physics journal, suggesting that true originality may have as difficult a time in physics as in any other human endeavor." - http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/09/21/reviews/feynman-genius.html
I think that the referee probably just read the abstract and skimmed the paper, just as happened to Feynman. (Maybe the abstract should be a little more detailed, and emphasize the work on developing a theory for the Koide equation? Maybe you just need to submit elsewhere. It is definitely a quite abstruse paper to me - rather like reading Weyl's writings on group theory - but I would have thought that the Physical Review would appreciate that mathematical style. Maybe it would help to emphasize the physical results in the paper more? However, don't take my suggestions seriously,, because if I really knew how to overcome apathy, I'd be better at writing myself!)
Nige, I think the basic problem is that PRD doesn't have any MUB oriented papers. We're thinking about going to PRA which publishes those sorts of papers (but not with regard to elementary particles). The problem is that it's between the two areas, elementary particles and quantum information theory.
Re Feynman diagrams and MUBs, you might enjoy these two papers:
Feynman's Integral is About Mutually Unbiased Bases, by George Svetlichny and Feynman's path integral and mutually unbiased bases, by J Tolar and G Chadzitaskos, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 245306, which last, might be a better journal to submit to.
Hi Carl, thanks for those links. Part 3 of the first is nice because it states the path integral with mathematical precision, unlike many vaguer treatments. Feynman in QED makes clear that the amplitude for each path, exp(iS) with path action S in units of h-bar, is a simple geometric factor. Euler's formula states exp(iS) = (cos S) + i(sin S). Thus, Feynman was able to draw geometric diagrams for various paths to show how to work out "path integrals" for the refraction of light by glass and other low energy physics applications, by adding up amplitudes without formal calculus...
Uh, the arXiv version of that last reference is Feynman’s path integral and mutually unbiased
bases, J Tolar and G Chadzitaskos, 0904.0886, April 2009.
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