Arcadian Functor

occasional meanderings in physics' brave new world

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Marni D. Sheppeard

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Varying Mass

Recently we considered time varying mass in the Riofrio cosmology.

This is not a new idea. In the viXra article, Against the Tide: A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done (188 pages), there is an article by Halton Arp which includes a discussion of the quasar NGC 7603:
Number 92 in my Atlas of Peculiar galaxies has a large companion on the end of a luminous arm. In 1971, a spectrum revealed that this companion had a 8000 km/sec higher redshift than the central, active Seyfert galaxy. This amount of excess redshift cannot be accomodated in the conventional picture where redshifts mean velocities in an expanding universe. They could not be at such different distances and be physically interacting.

When Fred Hoyle heard about this he came up from the Cal Tech campus to my Carnegie office and asked to see the original picture. In 1972 he gave the prestigious Russell Lecture at the Seattle meeting of the American Astronomical Society and outlined a theory whereby younger galaxies radiated intrinsically redshifted photons. His theory of growing particle masses was a more general solution to the conventional field equations but was physically a Machian (not Einsteinian theory). At the end of the lecture he said the NGC 7603 observation created a crisis in physics and we needed to cross over the bridge to a radically more general physics.
In 2002, an astro-ph paper, by M. Lopez-Corredoira and Carlos M. Gutierrez, described two even higher redshift objects sitting exactly on the filament connecting the two galaxies of the NGC 7603 system.


Blogger nige said...

On the earlier post linked, you wrote:

"That is, electron mass starts out at zero and grows larger with Riofrio's cosmological law M = t."

Louise's equation MG = tc^3 is similar to the result I obtain in Fig. 4 here: for two electrons each of mass M, the quantum gravity force is found to be F = 8ma[MG/(rc^2)]^2 compared to Newton's F = G(M/r)^2, where m is mass of observable universe and according to Smolin (2006 book), a = Hc; equating F and rearranging gives 8mG = tc^3. Louise extensively investigated the consequences of having t ~ c^(-1/3), but it is also possible that m varies in direct proportion to time. This would mean that masses were smaller at early times after the big bang, reducing early clumping and explaining the flatness at the time of the emission of the CBR, instead of requiring inflation to explain the early flatness. Louise found successes from t ~ c^(-1/3). There really needs to be a detailed comparison done to see the advantages of each possibility.

On the discrepancies in redshift: gravitational redshifts can be important for black holes, which can visibly glow if material is being sucked in and glowing due to high energy particle collisions as it converges (outside the event horion). Hence you could have two glowing objects physically orbiting each other, one of which has a greater redshift due to the gravitational redshift.

Halton Arp's stance against the big bang is too picky. Hubble's Doppler-based recession law is overwhelmingly successful. Tired light cosmologies fail completely and miserably; they're just a dogma. Nuclear fusion synthesis of light elements (confirmed by abundances of hydrogen, deuterium, helium, lithium, etc.), CBR spectrum, and redshift are the key empirical parts of the big bang. Dark matter, dark energy, and inflation are resultants from trying to fit observations to standard general relativity with fixed constants c, G.

September 06, 2009 10:06 AM  
Blogger Matti Pitkänen said...

I remember that there are also "God's fingers" containing galaxies along the line of sight with quantized redshifts corresponding to distance of order 10^8 light years, the size scale of large void. This correlation is very difficult to understand unless one and the same object at different times is in question.

I have discussed possible model for this. Suppose that the photons coming from a distant object are confined to a circular orbit along boundaries of a large void (say circular magnetic flux tube acting as a wave guide) so that the received photons rotate N=1,2,3,... around the cylinder before they are detected. One would obtain snapshots about galaxy with a time interval of about 10^8 years. Redshift is determined by the value of g_aa at the time of emission so that one should obtain the redshift also in this case.

September 06, 2009 8:28 PM  
Blogger Kea said...

Nigel, nobody here cares about the old steady state model or any tired light theories. This post is about the interesting quasar observation.

September 06, 2009 9:40 PM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

Thanks for the link! We are different from the Arp 'tired light' cosmology.

September 07, 2009 11:01 PM  

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