Quote of the Day
Courtesy of the small grocery shop near my place, which places a thought for the day on the chalkboard outside, no matter the weather:
The Emperor will not judge you by your medals and diplomas but by your scars.
P.S. Yes, I saw on a gazillion other physics blogs what the LHC has been up to ... it all seems VERY far away.
Compassionate Emperor!
No, Nigel. That's not what it means. The point is that the Emperor is wise enough to know that those who have risked their lives for a purpose will probably more useful to him than all those chest beating apes.
But anyone who's read history would know that such an emperor would be rather hard to find (and probably deposed by someone with a lot of medals).
Too bad. We're picking up the scars.
Indeed, Carl, the cynical amongst us know that the saying refers to an ideal Emperor, not a real one.
The one with the most scars is the most loyal. If they have a lot of medals they become enemies and illoyal.
Nice of the grocery shop.
But wouldn't the guys most useful to the Emperor be the "chest beating apes" who simply fighten off the wicked enemies without getting scarred? ;-)
Chest beater, you have just demonstrated to the Emperor that you sadly underestimate your enemies.
You haven't even seen, let alone heard the intimidation. The sound alone is deafening. Most girls cry and run, it's so scary.
It's just as big mistake to overestimate your enemies as to underestimate them. Sometimes they just have big mouths, with a bark louder than their bite, doc!
Dear simian troll,
Clearly, you do not know who you're talking to ...
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